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Lehigh Carbon Community College

Request an ILL: Please use the linked form to request an ILL.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is the borrowing and lending of books and other materials between libraries. If, after checking the resources of this library, we do not have the book(s) or periodical article(s) that you need, we will then try to obtain them for you from other libraries. This service is only available to current credit students and the staff of LCCC.


Who may use Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Services?

Current faculty, staff and credit students, of LCCC are eligible for this library service. Other library patrons should check with their local public library.

How long will it take for my materials to arrive?

The time it takes to receive requested materials generally depends upon the location of the lending library and the type of material. Books from Pennsylvania libraries usually arrive in 2 to 7 days. Out of state books take longer. Articles often arrive as electronic documents within 1 to 4 days.  Postal delivery of articles adds a few more days. Allow enough time for your research needs since some books might take 3 weeks to arrive. The peak demand time for ILL requests is in the middle of each semester, so plan ahead during this time.

What if I need it today?

Contact a librarian and we will find the nearest local library that has this resource. You can then visit this local library. You may not be able to check out a book at some local academic libraries.

How much does it cost?

Almost all ILL requests at LCCC are free.  We always borrow from free sources if possible. If there are no free sources, we will contact you before we proceed and give you an estimate to see if you still want the item. Lost or damaged items are the responsibility of the borrower and replacement fees will be charged.

How do I submit a request?

First check the Library’s catalog, WorldCat to be sure we do not already own this material. For articles check Full-Text Periodicals: Electronic & Print to see if the complete article can be obtained from one of the library’s databases. If the item is not found, submit an Interlibrary Loan online request form.  Include as much of the requested information as possible. Audiovisual and audiorecordings requests may be entered on the book form.
Please include all requested information, especially your L# and College ( email address. After you submit the form, a confirmation screen will appear. If you see the confirmation screen, then you know that the request has been sent to the Interlibrary Loan Librarian.

  • If you need help with your citation, decoding an abbreviation, verifying a reference, or finding additional or substitute sources, just ask a librarian at the Service Desk (610-799-1150).
  • Hints:  Don’t guess at an abbreviated journal title. Just enter it the way you found it. Add any additional information that will help the ILL Librarian obtain the item you want in Other Information field. This might be Spanish language only needed, only the most recent edition, chapter of a book, a specific edition, DVD only, ERIC number, LCCC copy is missing, etc.

What types of materials may be requested through Interlibrary Loan?

All material types may be requested, but the service is usually used for book and periodical article requests. We will try to obtain any type of material but the following materials might not be available or might be hard to obtain through Interlibrary Loan:

  • Videos, DVDs, CDs, and other audiovisual items are not lent by all libraries. But we will try to obtain these materials for you.
  • Requests which exceed copyright limitations may not be obtained.
  • Books obtained through Interlibrary Loan may not be placed on reserve in the Rothrock Library.
  • Materials that are owned by LCCC will not be requested unless the item has a status of lost, missing, or on order. If a book is checked out at LCCC, we will place a hold on it for you.
    • Non-circulating materials such as reference books, maps, bound periodicals, whole issues of periodicals, reserve materials, rare or archival
    • Ebooks are not lent. We may be able to attain a single chapter from a non-fiction book.
    • Genealogical material is not lent by some libraries. The Library of Congress does not lend genealogical items.
    • Computer software is not lent.
    • Books published during the current year or very new books are not lent by many libraries.
    • Theses or dissertations are usually only lent if a library owns more than one copy. They can be purchased from UMI Dissertation Express.
    • Textbooks are usually not found in libraries.

Do I have to know which libraries own the book or journal I need?

No, we will search for the closest, fastest, free libraries that will lend their materials to LCCC. LCCC will search databases such as WorldCat which has more than 2 billion records in more than 10,000 libraries around the world.

How will I know when my ILL item has arrived?

  • Faculty and staff will receive an email sent to their LCCC email and/or phone call stating that the item has arrived and that it has been sent to their LCCC mailbox in an interoffice envelope.
  • Students will receive an email sent to their LCCC student email and/or phone call stating that the item has arrived. They may then pick up the item at the Service Desk in the Rothrock Library in Schnecksville.
  • Students, faculty, and staff at LCCC Tamaqua at the Morgan Center and LCCC Allentown at the Donley Center can request on the ILL request form to have the item sent to their center for pick up. The student will receive a phone call and/or an email sent to their LCCC student email stating that the item was sent to the center and will be available for pick up in 1 or 2 days.
  • Anyone can also check on the status of their ILL requests by logging onto My Library Account found on the library’s main web page. ILL items you currently have checked out will be listed after you click the Checked Out Items button. Other ILL requests will be listed after you click the ILL Requests button.

How many items may I request?

Students may have 10 ILL requests in process at the same time. As each of these arrives, they may request more if needed. Staff and faculty do not have a limit, but all of their requests might not be processed at the same time.

How long may I keep an item?

Each library that we borrow from determines how long you may use a book. Most loans are for about 3 weeks. LCCC must return the item by its due date in order to maintain in good standing with the lending library. Interlibrary Loan is a privilege extended by the lending library. If the lending library recalls your ILL item, you must return it to the Service Desk as soon as possible. A few ILL items may only be used in the Rothrock Library. Photocopies of articles are yours to keep.

May I renew an ILL book?

Renewals should only be requested in unusual circumstances for ILL materials. If you need a renewal, you should contact the Service Desk (610-799-1150) or the Interlibrary Loan Librarian (610-799-1163) before the original due date. ILL items cannot be renewed online. You may continue to use the material until you are contacted by phone or email with the new due date. The library which lent the book will determine the new due date or deny the renewal request.

Where do I return the ILL book?

ILL books should be returned to the Service Desk in the Rothrock Library in Schnecksville (not the Interlibrary Loan department). Faculty and staff may send them in an interoffice envelope to the Service Desk. Students at LCCC Tamaqua at the Morgan Center, LCCC Allentown at the Donley Center or LCCC should return the ILL book to the main office at their center who will send them to the Rothrock Library. Please keep any paperwork in the book when it is returned. Photocopies do not need to be returned. Students must return their ILL books before the end of the semester or grades may be blocked.

What happens if I lose my ILL book?

You are responsible for the payment of the fee set by the lending library for any lost or damaged ILL books. Patrons who abuse the privilege of ILL may have their ILL privileges restricted or limited.

Who do I contact if I have a question about ILL?